Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Législation en matière de PMA en France

Législation en matière de PMA en France

Afin de limiter les dérives, le législateur français a fixé un cadre légal à l’AMP (loi n° 2004-800 du 6 août 2004 relative à la bioéthique).

La partie concernant l’AMP reprend les points suivants :

Qui a droit à la PMA?

- Uniquement les couples hétérosexuels mariés ou apportant une preuve de vie commune d’au moins 2 ans.

(en savoir plus: obtention d'un certificat de concubinage)
- Les 2 membres du couple sont vivants et consentants.

Soulignons qu’aucune limite restrictive d’âge n’est clairement définie dans cette loi, la PMA s’adressant aux couples « en âge de procréer ».

Quelles sont les indications légales de la PMA?

- Infertilité dont le caractère pathologique a été médicalement diagnostiqué.
- Eviter la transmission, à l’enfant ou à un membre du couple, d’une pathologie grave.

Qu'en est-il des dons?

Les techniques de PMA avec assistance d’un donneur sont permises dans les situations suivantes :
- Lorsqu’il existe un risque de transmission d’une pathologie grave à l’enfant ou à un membre du couple.
- Echec des techniques de PMA au sein du couple.

Link to Législation en matière de PMA en France

Thursday, May 31, 2007

SQL dialects reference - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks

Raha mitady aide momba ny SQL ianao, dia ity no mba atoroko anao kely. Ahitanao ireo references rehetra ilaina izy ireo ary ahitanao ihany koa fampitahana. Tsara raha jerenao mihitsy raha mety.  

Link to SQL dialects reference - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks

Tuesday, May 29, 2007



Portail des clinical informatics


The Clinical Informatics Wiki -- Clinfowiki

The Clinical Informatics Wiki is an implementation of a wiki devoted to topics in clinical informatics. To begin a new article, or edit an existing article, you must first create an account and login to the ClinfoWiki.

Please see documentation on customizing the interface and the User's Guide for usage and configuration help.

You can test your edits as much as you want in the Sandbox.

We are currently working on 331 articles, and we need your help to complete this study of Clinical Informatics. See Special:Statistics for more complete information on the site.


Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Systems

Link to Main Page - Clinfowiki

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

GOOD formating in VBNET

String.Format("{0}", "formatting string"};

One of the painful things about good old ASP was string formatting, VBScript simply didn't have anything useful. C# (and VB.Net) do, but MSDN doesn't provide a quick reference to the formatting options. So here's a quick reference.

To compare string formatting in C# to those in C lets have an example,

char szOutput[256];
sprintf(szOutput, "At loop position %d.\n", i);

sprintf takes an output buffer, a format string and any number of arguments to substitute into the format string.

The C# equivalent for sprintf is String.Format, which takes a format string and the arguments. It returns a string, and because you're not passing in a buffer there's no chance of a buffer overflow.

string outputString = String.Format("At loop position {0}.\n", i);

So why doesn't have the format argument have parameters specifying what data type you're formatting? The CLR objects have metadata which informs the CLR what the objects are, and each object has a standard ToString() method which returns a string representation of that object. Much nicer than C where if you passed the wrong type of variable into sprintf everything could come crashing down.

The ToString method can accept a string parameter which tells the object how to format itself. In the call to String.Format , the formatting string is passed after the position, for example, "{0:##}". The text inside the curly braces is {argumentIndex[,alignment][:formatString]}. If alignment is positive, the text is right-padding to fill the specified field length, if it's negative, it's left-padded.

formatting strings

There's not much formatting that can be applied to a string. Only the padding / alignment formatting options can be applied. These options are also available to every argument, regardless of type.


String.Format("--{0,10}--", "test");
--      test--

String.Format("--{0,-10}--", "test");
--test      --

formatting numbers


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Classification CIM10 version light

Voici une page web de classification CIM10 faite par HCUGE suisse

Il est léger et facile à utiliser

_ (A00-B99) Certaines maladies infectieuses et parasitaires 1
_ (C00-D48) Tumeurs 2
_ (D50-D89) Mal. du sang et des org. hématopoïét. et certains troub. syst. immun. 3
_ (E00-E90) Maladies endocriniennes, nutritionnelles et métaboliques 4
_ (F00-F99) Troubles mentaux et du comportement 5
_ (G00-G99) Maladies du système nerveux 6
_ (H00-H59) Maladies de l'oeil et de ses annexes 7
_ (H60-H95) Maladies de l'oreille et de l'apophyse mastoïde 8
_ (I00-I99) Maladies de l'appareil circulatoire 9
_ (J00-J99) Maladies de l'appareil respiratoire 10
_ (K00-K93) Maladies de l'appareil digestif 11
_ (L00-L99) Maladies de la peau et du tissu cellulaire sous-cutané 12
_ (M00-M99) Maladies du système ostéo-articulaire, des muscles et du tissu conj 13
_ (N00-N99) Maladies de l'appareil génito-urinaire 14
_ (O00-O99) Grossesse, accouchement et puerpéralité 15
_ (P00-P96) Certaines affections dont l'origine se situe dans la période périna 16
_ (Q00-Q99) Malformations congénitales et anomalies chromosomiques 17
_ (R00-R99) Symptomes, signes et résultats anormaux examens cliniques et labo 18
_ (S00-T98) Lésions trauma, empoisonnements certaines conséquences causes externes 19
_ Codes "U" selon CIM-10 vol2 page 18 22
_ (V01-Y98) Causes externes de morbidité et de mortalité 20
_ (Z00-Z99) Facteurs influant état santé et motifs recours aux services santé 21


Link to

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

10 Tips That Every PHP Newbie Should Knowasses and more.

10 Tips That Every PHP Newbie Should Know

Jeffery Vaska

I wish I had known these 10 tips the day I started working with PHP. Instead of learning them through painstaking process, I could have been on my way to becoming a PHP programmer even sooner! This article is presented in two parts and is intended for folks who are new to PHP.

Tip 1: MySQL Connection Class

The majority of web applications I've worked with over the past year have used some variation of this connection class:

class DB {
function DB() {
$this->host = "localhost"; // your host
$this->db = "myDatabase"; // your database
$this->user = "root"; // your username
$this->pass = "mysql"; // your password

$this->link = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user,


lire l'original ici

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fikafika fampiasana Microsoft Access Query

Hoan'zay mankafy MS ACCESS. Ity dia fanazavana ambangovangony sy andalina ny fampiasana query @ Access. Koa dia mankafiza daholo


Using Parameters

Often it is not possible to know in advance the criteria for a query field. In such cases, where the filter values are not known until runtime, a variable (parameter) can be used. When these queries are run, the user is prompted for the value of each parameter. (The parameters can also be assigned programmatically). Using parameters in queries is extremely powerful and converts static "hard-coded" queries to flexible, dynamic ones. The use of parameters can significantly reduce the number of queries you need, makes queries more useful, and simplifies database maintenance.

Parameters can be added very easily. Rather than entering the value of a criteria, enter between brackets the prompt you want the user to see when the query is run. The value the user enters replaces the parameter in the query. In the following example, a parameter [Enter State Name:] is the criteria in the [State] field, and [Enter Minimum Age:] is the parameter in the [Age] field. When this query is run, the user is prompted for the state desired and minimum age, and the records matching that value are retrieved.

Select Query:  Parameter Example

Parameters work provided the parameter definition does not conflict with the field name among the query's tables.

To better define a parameter, you should define it in the list of parameters. This is an optional step, but there are good reasons to do so, right mouse click on the top part of the query and choose Parameters. This form appears to let you list each parameter name and its type:

Parameter list

By explicitly defining parameters, users are forced to enter values conforming to the type. While it may not matter for text fields, it is useful for numeric and date fields. This will minimize data entry errors that cause a "Can't evaluate expression" error message to appear.

Using Access Functions

One of the most powerful features of Microsoft Access queries is their support for Access functions. This is most useful in Update queries, but can also be used in Select queries. The Advanced: Access Functions query is an example of this feature:

Select Query: Advanced: Access Functions

This query selects the Country names in descending order of name length. The second field renames itself to [Length], uses the LEN function to calculate the length of each country name, sorts the length in descending order, and excludes any records with 10 letters or fewer.

While this may not seem particularly useful, there are many situations where using Access functions is extremely useful and eliminates the need to program. The string functions in particular (Left$, Right$, Trim$, Mid$, UCase$, LCase$ etc.) are useful for manipulating portions of strings and changing case.

Using Custom Functions

In addition to using Microsoft Access functions, queries also support user defined functions. Functions defined in Access Basic/VBA modules must return an appropriate value and can be used to manipulate each record. You can reference field values by passing the field name in brackets.

Here is an example where a function (StripLead) is used to remove the leading word of a phrase if it starts with "The", "An", or "A". This is useful for sorting phrases such as book titles on "real" words:

Select Query:  Advanced: Function StripLead

Ato ny tohiny

Link to FMS Technical Papers - Microsoft Access Query Tips and Techniques

Monday, April 23, 2007


       VB .NET         

.NET Defined
OOP with VB
VB Language
Win Forms
Windows Controls
  -Using Server Explorer
  -Using DataReader
  -Using Sql Provider
  -Using OleDb Provider
  -Using MSAccess
  -Data Adapter     Configuration Wizard
  -Simple Binding
  -Data Form Wizard
  -Creating DataTables
  -SQL Parameters
User Controls
File Handling
XML Web Services Essential XML


Home> ADO .NET 


Most applications need data access at one point of time making it a crucial component when working with applications. Data access is making the application interact with a database, where all the data is stored. Different applications have different requirements for database access. VB .NET uses ADO .NET (Active X Data Object) as it's data access and manipulation protocol which also enables us to work with data on the Internet. Let's take a look why ADO .NET came into picture replacing ADO.

Evolution of ADO.NET

The first data access model, DAO (data access model) was created for local databases with the built-in Jet engine which had performance and functionality issues. Next came RDO (Remote Data Object) and ADO (Active Data Object) which were designed for Client Server architectures but soon ADO took over RDO. ADO was a good architecture but as the language changes so is the technology. With ADO, all the data is contained in a recordset object which had problems when implemented on the network and penetrating firewalls. ADO was a connected data access, which means that when a connection to the database is established the connection remains open until the application is closed. Leaving the connection open for the lifetime of the application raises concerns about database security and network traffic. Also, as databases are becoming increasingly important and as they are serving more people, a connected data access model makes us think about its productivity. For example, an application with connected data access may do well when connected to two clients, the same may do poorly when connected to 10 and might be unusable when connected to 100 or more. Also, open database connections use system resources to a maximum extent making the system performance less effective.


To cope up with some of the problems mentioned above, ADO .NET came into existence. ADO .NET addresses the above mentioned problems by maintaining a disconnected database access model which means, when an application interacts with the database, the connection is opened to serve the request of the application and is closed as soon as the request is completed. Likewise, if a database is Updated, the connection is opened long enough to complete the Update operation and is closed. By keeping connections open for only a minimum period of time, ADO .NET conserves system resources and provides maximum security for databases and also has less impact on system performance. Also, ADO .NET when interacting with  the database uses XML and converts all the data into XML format for database related operations making them more efficient.

read it here


VB.NET 2005 Free Training

VB.NET 2005 Training : The .NET Framework Architecture Part 1

VB.NET 2005 Training : The .NET Framework Architecture Part 2

VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Differences between VB.NET 1.0 and VB.NET 2.0

VB.NET 2005 Free Training : Introducing Windows Forms

VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Implementing Class Library Object in VB.NET 2005

VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Introduction and Implementing Inheritance in VB.NET 2005

VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Visual Studio.NET Namespaces

VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Designing a Form using Windows Forms Designer Window

Exploring the Forms Designer generated code

VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Using Application Class and Message Class

VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Setting and Adding Properties to a Windows Form

VB.NET 2005 Free Training : Event Handling In Visual Basic .NET 2005

VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Building graphical interface elements

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Adding Controls

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Common Controls and Handling Control Events

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Dialog Boxes in Visual Basic .NET 2005

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Common Windows Forms Controls Section 1

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: DomainUpDown and NumericUpDown

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Common Windows Form Controls Section:2

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Creating Menu and Menu Items

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Creating Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) Applications

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Validation

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Exceptions

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Creating and Managing Components Section 2

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Creating and Managing Components Section 1

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Creating and Managing .NET Assemblies

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Simple Data Binding

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Complex Data Binding

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Using the Data Form Wizard

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Access and Manipulate SQL Server data - Using Ad Hoc Queries

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Access and Manipulate Data - Working with Disk Files

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Access and Manipulate SQL Server data - Using Stored Procedures

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Access and Manipulate Data - The ADO .NET Object Model

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Access and Manipulate Data - Using DataSets

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Using XML Data

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Finding and Sorting Data in DataSets

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Editing Data With ADO .NET

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Web Services - SOAP, WSDL, Disco and UDDI

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Instantiating - Invoking Web Services, Creating Proxy Classes with WSDL

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials: Creating Web Service Project

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Web Reference, ASP.NET Web Application and XML Web Service

Web Application Testing in VB.NET 2005

VB.NET 2005 Tutorials : Tracing and Debugging a Web Application

Windows Application Testing - VB.NET 2005

Working with Legacy Code using ActiveX Controls : VB.NET 2005

Working with Legacy Code and COM Components - VB.NET 2005

Debugging Windows Applications In Visual Studio.NET 2005

Deploying Windows Applications In Visual Studio.NET 2005

Customizing Setup Project in Visual Studio.NET 2005

<< Start < Prev 1 2 Next > End >>

Visual Basic .NET Programming for Beginners

Visual Basic .NET Programming for Beginners

Computer Tutorials List

Beginners Computing
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Web Design
Cascading Style Sheets
Visual Basic .NET
Beginners PHP

VB.NET Quick Links

1. Your First Code

2. Conditional Logic

3. VB .NET and Loops

4. Adding Menus to a Form

5. Debugging your Code

6. VB .NET and Arrays

7. String Manipulation

8. Working with Text Files

9. Functions and Subs

10. Events in VB .NET

11. VB NET Classes and Object

12. VB .NET and Forms

13. VB .NET and Databases

1. Getting started with VB.NET

2. Visual Basic .NET Forms

3. Adding Controls using the Toolbox

4. Adding a Textbox to the Form

5. Visual Basic .NET and Properties

6. The Text Property

7. Adding a splash of colour

8. Saving your work

9. Renaming a VB.NET form

> VB .NET Two- Write your first .NET code

1. What is a Variable?

2. Add a coding button to the Form

3. Writing your first .NET code

4. String Variables

5. How to get at Text in a textbox

6. More about VB .NET variables

7. Using variables in your .NET code

8. A VB NET Calculator Project

9. The code for the calculator

10. The Message Box in VB .NET

> VB .NET Three - Conditional Logic

1. If Statements

2. Select Case Statements

3. Add a Combo Box to a VB .NET form

4. The Conditional Operators

5. Section Three Exercises

> VB .NET Four- Loops

1. An Introduction to Loops in VB .NET

2. For Loops

3. Do Loops

4. A Times Table Programme

5. The Code for the Time Table Programme

6. The Basic Math Symbols in VB .NET

> VB .NET Five - Adding menus to Forms

1. Add a menu to a VB .NET Form

2. How to add code to a Menu

3. How to add a Sub Menu to your Form

4. How to add Shortcuts to your Menu Items

5. A VB .NET menu Project

6. The Open File Dialogue Box

7. Filter files with the Open File Dialogue Box

8. The Open File Dialogue Box

9. The Save File Dialogue Box

10. Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo menus

11. How to Show and Hide Controls

12. Insert Images into a Picture Box

13. Add a Checkbox to a VB .NET form

14. Writing code for Checkboxes

15. Add Option Buttons to a VB .NET form

> VB .NET Six - Debugging your code

1. Error Handling and Debugging in VB .NET

2. Design Time Errors

3. RunTime Errors

4. Try ... Catch in VB .NET

5. Logic Errors

6.Breakpoints and Debugging tools

> VB .NET Seven - Mastering Arrays

1. What is an Array?

2. Arrays and the Index Number

3. Assigning Values to an Array

4. Arrays where boundaries are not known

> VB .NET Eight - String Manipulation

1. The String Variable Type

2. How to use the Trim Method

3. The difference between Char and Chars()

4. How to use the InStr Method

5. How to use the Substring Method

6. Equals, Replace and Insert Methods

7. How to use Split and Join in VB .NET

> VB .NET Nine - Working with Text Files

1. What is a Text File?

2. How to Open a Text File in VB .NET

3. How to Read a Text File Line by Line

4. How to Write to a Text File in VB .NET

5. Appending Text to a File in VB .NET

6. How to Copy a File

7. How to Move a File

8. How to Delete a File

> VB .NET Ten - Functions and Subs

1. An Introduction to Functions and Subs

2. How to Create your own Subs in VB .NET

3. Using Parameters in your Subs

4. ByVal and ByRef in VB .NET

5. How to Create a Function in VB.NET

6. How to use Parameters with Functions

7. Standard Modules - Part One

8. Standard Modules - Part Two

> VB .NET Eleven - Events

1. The Click Event

2. The MouseDown Event

3. The KeyDown Event

4. The Form Load Event

> VB .NET Tweleve - Classes and Objects

1. An Introduction to Classes and Objects

2. Create your own Classes in VB .NET

3. How to Create Methods in your Classes

4. More about Creating Methods

5. Create Properties in your Classes

3. How to Use your New Property

> VB .NET Thirteen - VB .NET and Databases

1. The Database Wizard (VB 2005 Express users)

2. The Database Wizard (Visual Studio users)

3. Write your own VB .NET database code

4. Learn about DataSets and Data Adaptors

5. Display the Data in the DataSet

6. Navigate a Database with VB .NET

7. How to Move through the Database

8. Add, Update and Delete Records

9. Add a New Record using VB .NET

10. Delete a Record using VB .NET

11. A VB .NET Database Project

> VB .NET Fourteen - VB NET and Forms

1. Anchor and Dock Controls on a Form

2. Add a Toolbar to a Form (Visual Studio)

3. Adding a Quick Toolbar (VB Express)

3. Add an Advanced Toolbar (VB Express)

4. Creating Multiple Forms in VB .NET

5. Modal and Non Modal Forms

6. Getting at Values on Other Forms

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

He zany feo

Tsy aritro ny tsi hizara aminareo an'ity horonantsary mampiseho ny hamangan'feon'ty ranamana. Raha vao mitopy maso azy hoatran'tsy hanao zavatra reny. Fa zany feo e.

Ho an'zay tsy mahafantatra moa de jazzist fantadaza ny lehilahy, ary dia tompotrano mihitsy @ jazz ao new orlean. Ny feony moa no tena mampalaza azy, fa tsy adino ihany koa fa izy mirahalahy avy no nitondra lavitra ny resaka mozika tao @ fianakaviany. Mitovitovy @ famille Jackson ihany e..

Manantena gasy ho toitoy izao ato ho ato, fa efa miroborobo tsy zay izy ny pazzapa...asa re na hitondra vokatsoa re izy ity e.

De mazotoa avy e

Source: YouTube - The Neville Brothers "Amazing Grace

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

ChartLet :: Modules pour Firefox

Hafa koa ty.

Ahafahanao manao suivin'ny antontanisa @ internet.

Somary sarotrarotra ny manazava azy, fa raha bangoina de hoe. Raha misy isa na value tianao arahana dia mampiasa ity extension kely ty manaraka azy. Ndeha jereo ny capture d'ecrans angambaa mahalaza bebe kokoa noho ny fanazavako.

Sample chart


Chartlets list                              Chartlet editing

Chart display customization
Eto raha hi installe azy

Thursday, March 29, 2007


XML File Parsing in VB.NET - The Code Project - VB.NET


Parsing XML files has always been time consuming and
sometimes tricky. .NET framework provides powerful new ways of parsing
XML. The various techniques know to parse xml files with .NET framework
are using XmlTextReader, XmlDocument, XmlSerializer, DataSet and XpathDocument. I will explore the XmlTextReader and XmlDocument approach here.

The Xml File

Figure 1 outlines the xml file that will be parsed.

&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;


&lt;name gender="Male"&gt;




&lt;name gender="Female"&gt;





Figure1: Xml file

Parsing XML with XMLTextReader

Using XmlTextReader is appropriate when the structure of the XML file is relatively simple. Parsing with XmlTextReader gives you a pre .net feel as you sequentially walk through the file using Read() and get data using GetAttribute() andReadElementString() methods. Thus while using XmlTextReader it is up to the developer to keep track where he is in the Xml file and Read() correctly. Figure 2 below outlines parsing of xml file with XmlTextReader

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Xml

Module ParsingUsingXmlTextReader

Sub Main()

Dim m_xmlr As XmlTextReader

'Create the XML Reader

m_xmlr = New XmlTextReader("C:\Personal\family.xml")

'Disable whitespace so that you don't have to read over whitespaces

m_xmlr.WhiteSpaceHandling = WhiteSpaceHandling.NONE

'read the xml declaration and advance to family tag


'read the family tag


'Load the Loop

While Not m_xmlr.EOF

'Go to the name tag


'if not start element exit while loop

If Not m_xmlr.IsStartElement() Then

Exit While

End If

'Get the Gender Attribute Value

Dim genderAttribute = m_xmlr.GetAttribute("gender")

'Read elements firstname and lastname


'Get the firstName Element Value

Dim firstNameValue = m_xmlr.ReadElementString("firstname")

'Get the lastName Element Value

Dim lastNameValue = m_xmlr.ReadElementString("lastname")

'Write Result to the Console

Console.WriteLine("Gender: " & genderAttribute _

& " FirstName: " & firstNameValue & " LastName: " _

& lastNameValue)


End While

'close the reader


End Sub

End Module

Figure 2: Xml Parsing with XmlTextReader

Parsing XML with XmlDocument

The XmlDocument class is modeled based on Document Object Model. XmlDocument class is appropriate if you need to extract data in a non-sequential manner. Figure 3 below outlines parsing of xml file with XmlDocument

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Xml

Module ParsingUsingXmlDocument

Sub Main()


Dim m_xmld As XmlDocument

Dim m_nodelist As XmlNodeList

Dim m_node As XmlNode

'Create the XML Document

m_xmld = New XmlDocument()

'Load the Xml file


'Get the list of name nodes

m_nodelist = m_xmld.SelectNodes("/family/name")

'Loop through the nodes

For Each m_node In m_nodelist

'Get the Gender Attribute Value

Dim genderAttribute = m_node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("gender").Value

'Get the firstName Element Value

Dim firstNameValue = m_node.ChildNodes.Item(0).InnerText

'Get the lastName Element Value

Dim lastNameValue = m_node.ChildNodes.Item(1).InnerText

'Write Result to the Console

Console.Write("Gender: " & genderAttribute _

& " FirstName: " & firstNameValue & " LastName: " _

& lastNameValue)



Catch errorVariable As Exception

'Error trapping


End Try

End Sub

End Module

Figure 3: Xml Parsing with XmlDocument

Compilation and Result

Make sure you have vbc.exe in your path. From the command prompt go to C:\Personal&gt;. Compile ParsingUsingXmlTextReader.vb and ParsingUsingXmlDocument.vb.

C:\Personal&gt;vbc /out:ParsingUsingXmlTextReadervb.exe ParsingUsingXmlTextReader.vb

C:\Personal&gt;vbc /out:ParsingUsingXmlDocumentvb.exe ParsingUsingXmlDocument.vb

When you run the individual program




You will see the following result for both

Gender: Male FirstName: Tom LastName: Smith

Gender: Female FirstName: Dale LastName: Smith


There are different ways to parse XML files and the best method depends on your situation and the programming style preferred.

then using dataset

Using DataSet is simple..

In the code behind add the following lines.

Dim myDataSet as New DataSet()


datagrid1.DataSource = myDataSet


In the aspx page add the following..

&lt;asp:datagrid id="datagrid1" runat="server"






&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;asp:BoundColumn HeaderText="First Name" DataField="firstname" /&gt;

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;asp:BoundColumn HeaderText="Last Name" DataField="lastname" /&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;



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Monter et configurer un PC nouvelle génération

Source: Monter et configurer un PC nouvelle génération


Monter et configurer un PC nouvelle génération

Monter et configurer un PC nouvelle génération

Introduction et recommandationsBoîtier, alimentation et carte mèreProcesseur, pâte thermique et radiateur/ventilateurMémoire et carte graphiqueDisques durs, lecteurs/graveur optiques et lecteur de disquetteBranchements de la connectique : 1ère partieBranchements de la connectique : 2ème partieL'heure fatidique...Configuration d'un système RAIDInstaller Windows XPInstallation de Windows Vista et mots de la fin
Ordinateur personnel

Configuration de référence Ultra

Envie de jouer au Docteur Frankenstein pour donner vie à votre propre PC ? À moins que vous ne préfériez pratiquer une opération à cœur ouvert pour mettre à jour celui que vous possédez déjà, mais qui semble à bout de souffle ? Oui, vous aussi vous avez le droit de vous amuser !
Nous allons donc vous proposer ici un guide complet pour vous aider à mettre sur pied votre « bête high-tech » de nouvelle génération avec explications, photos et vidéos à l'appui !
Après avoir trouvé le financement nécessaire et sélectionné avec soins vos composants (pour cela, les configurations de référence et le guide d'achat de Noël 2006 peuvent vous simplifier la tâche), saisissez votre tournevis d'une main ferme et décidée, fixez votre écran / vos notes... C'est parti !

Petites recommandations avant de commencer

Avant de mettre les mains dans le « cambouis » à proprement parler (rassurez-vous, vous ne devriez pas trop vous salir ni trop vous écorcher), voici quelques conseils pour que le montage se déroule dans les meilleures conditions qui soient.

Montage PC - Tourne vis

Tout d'abord, placez votre machine au sol ou en hauteur. Évitez à tout prix la moquette ou autre revêtement pouvant générer de l'électricité statique, les composants informatiques n'appréciant guère. Le mieux est de se placer sur une grande table bien stable. Préparez vos outils (tournevis principalement), instructions (article, manuels d'instructions) et composants nécessaires.
(Re)lisez attentivement nos instructions et visionnez (plusieurs fois si nécessaire) nos vidéos. Ne vous énervez pas, ne soyez pas trop brusque, ne buvez pas et ne mangez pas au-dessus de l'ordinateur pendant le montage et n'oubliez pas de respirer. En cas de gros doute, n'hésitez pas à interroger vos proches ou alors les Clubicien(ne)s sur le forum !

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Free Software Downloads To read RSS feeds

 Source: Free Software Downloads -


Betsaka ny logiciel ahafahana mamaky fil RSS. Ary ireo browser mahazatra sy be mpampiasa indrindra toy ny IE7 sy Firefox aza dia efa afaka mamaky RSS tsara. Fa na dia izany aza, dia tsy mbola very ireo logiciel izay natao hikirakira fil RSS hoatran'ireto voatanisa eto ambany reto.


  • Active Web Reader 2.42
     Active Web Reader is a FREE web feed reader that supports RSS 0.
  • Alnera FeedBuster RSS Reader
     Read, manage and archive your rss, rdf and atom feeds comfortably and easily.
  • Alnera FeedBuster RSS Reader 1.0.15
     Stay always informed.
  • Awasu 2.0
     If you want a tool for monitoring information from any source, something that will let you intelligently manage the information flow, that offers powerful features not available in any other feed reader, then Awasu is your only choice.
  • BlogExpress 1.56.2
     BlogExpress is a full-featured .
  • CoffeeCup RSS News Flash
     Add your own news to your Website or news from Yahoo, CNN, and CNET using Flash.
  • cRSSReader Version 2.0
     cRSSReader is a Windows 98/ME/2000/XP desktop application that aggregates your favorite RSS feeds into one easy to use interface.
  • DWnews 1.0
     Windows based application to aggregate and display news headlines from Internet news feeds.
  • Express NewsPictures
     Express NewsPictures is a powerful newsreader specifically designed for downloading and viewing pictures and other binaries (audio, video and more) from newsgroups.
  • Feed Scout 2.30a
     Feed Scout enables you to view RSS/ATOM/RDF feeds from different sites in Internet Explorer directly.
  • FeedMon 1.1
     FeedMon is a free feed monitor and reader.
  • FeedThing
     FeedThing is a syndicated news reader which makes the job of tracking your favourite websites a joy.
  • FeedTray 2
     FeedTray is a tiny news feed aggregator with a difference - it doesnt have a main window to clutter up your precious screen space with!.
  • Forte Free Agent
     Agent 1.
  • GroupsAloud
     GroupsAloud, the worlds first talking Usenet News Reader, brings an unlimited amount of great information and conversation to you without the hassle of reading or even being tied to your computer.
  • Halime 1.0rc2b
     Halime is a new, revolutionary news reader for Mac OS X only.
  • Headline Viewer 0.9.9
     Headline Viewer is a Windows application that lets you see news headlines from a configurable list of Headline Providers (news sources and weblogs).
  • HTML Primer
     The HTML Primer has been designed to aid you in learning how to create HTML pages from scratch and to show you the basics of web design.
  • IntraVnews 1.12
     intraVnews is a state of the art news aggregator that turns Microsoft Outlook into a news reader.
  • Koala HTML
     Create Web Pages Easily! Need a quick and easy way to create web pages? Look no further than Koala HTML.
  • Lektora 1.0f
     Lektoras feed reader integrates seamlessly with Firefox 1.
  • Liferea
     Liferea is an aggregator for online news feeds.
  • MyFeedReader
     MyFeedReader is a powerful yet lightweight newsfeed aggregator that supports all RSS and ATOM formats.
  • MyNewsToGo
     MyNewsToGo is about to revolutionize how you receive every day news.
  • NetNewsWire Lite
     NetNewsWire is an easy-to-use RSS Web news reader for Mac OS X.
  • News File Grabber
     A specialized newsreader which lets you easily download all kinds of binary files from the newsgroups on the USENET.
  • News Interceptor 3
     News Interceptor allows you to keep up-to-date with all news on the Web.
  • News Rover
     News Rover is a very powerful tool and can easily and quickly build up a rather large collection of pictures and movies.
  • News Rover 11
     News Rover is a Usenet newsreader that features a built-in search engine for finding files in any Usenet newsgroup.
  • NewsAloud
     NewsAloud personal news agent from NextUp.
  • Newsgroup Commander
     Newsgroup Commander is the fastest way to find any information youre looking for in news group archives.
  • Newsgroup Commander Pro
     Newsgroup Commander Pro is a news reader program which simplifies complex searches in Usenet archives.
  • newsparrotv4
  • Newsplorer 1.1
     Get a flavour of what Newsplorer 1.
  • NewsShark
     Meet NewsShark, designed from the ground up for getting LARGE files like MP3, RAR, and ZIP from usenet.
  • NewzCrawler
     NewzCrawler is a rss/atom reader, news aggregator, browser and blog client for Windows which provides access to news content from various sources.
  • NewzCrawler 1.8
     NewzCrawler is a rss/atom reader, news aggregator, browser and blog client for Windows which provides access to news content from various sources.
  • Noworyta News Reader 2.9
     Noworyta News Reader is a free Usenet news reader and e-mail client for Windows.
  • Nutshell 1.1
     Nutshell is an application designed to retrieve web content via the RSS format.
  • Omea Reader 2.0
     Free and easy to use RSS reader, NNTP news reader, and web bookmark manager.
  • Pluck 2.0 beta
     RSS offers an easy way for you to be alerted when new content appears on your favorite websites and blogs.
  • RSS Bandit
     RSS Bandit is an RSS/Atom aggregator (also known as an RSS Reader) for your desktop written with the .
  • RSS Feed Maker
     RSS Feed Maker is a windows program that allows you to create rss feed files and upload them to your server.
  • RSS Menu
     RSS Menu is a very simple application that allows you to read any RSS or Atom feeds which can be found all over the internet.
  • RSS Xpress 2.0.1
     RSS Xpress is a freeware (which will remain free!) created by Bull allowing to read RSS feeds versions 0.
  • RssReader 1.0.88
     RssReader is a program to read RSS and Atom news feeds.
  • SharpReader 0.9.6
     Advanced threading support allowing you to view connected items together in a threaded fashion.
  • Site Builder
     Site Builder is an easy to use but powerful HTML editor, it can be used for beginners as well as for advanced users.
  • Unison
     And Unison? Its the second coming of Usenet: a fun, powerful, and Mac-like newsreader.
  • Unison 1.6
     Put simply, Usenet is the Internets oldest message board.
  • Webford HTML Editor
     Webford is a powerful yet user-friendly software package that makes it easy for anybody to create and edit pages for the World Wide Web.
  • YeahReader
     YeahReader is a free program for reading news feeds in RSS, RDF and Atom formats, and podcasts.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Monter et configurer un PC nouvelle génération - Mozilla Firefox

Monter et configurer un PC nouvelle génération
Monter et configurer un PC nouvelle génération
Ordinateur personnel
Configuration de référence Ultra
Envie de jouer au Docteur Frankenstein pour donner vie à votre propre PC ? À moins que vous ne préfériez pratiquer une opération à c?ur ouvert pour mettre à jour celui que vous possédez déjà, mais qui semble à bout de souffle ? Oui, vous aussi vous avez le droit de vous amuser !

Nous allons donc vous proposer ici un guide complet pour vous aider à mettre sur pied votre « bête high-tech » de nouvelle génération avec explications, photos et vidéos à l'appui !

Après avoir trouvé le financement nécessaire et sélectionné avec soins vos composants (pour cela, les configurations de référence et le guide d'achat de Noël 2006 peuvent vous simplifier la tâche), saisissez votre tournevis d'une main ferme et décidée, fixez votre écran / vos notes... C'est parti !

Petites recommandations avant de commencer
Avant de mettre les mains dans le « cambouis » à proprement parler (rassurez-vous, vous ne devriez pas trop vous salir ni trop vous écorcher), voici quelques conseils pour que le montage se déroule dans les meilleures conditions qui soient.

Montage PC - Tourne vis
Tout d'abord, placez votre machine au sol ou en hauteur. Évitez à tout prix la moquette ou autre revêtement pouvant générer de l'électricité statique, les composants informatiques n'appréciant guère. Le mieux est de se placer sur une grande table bien stable. Préparez vos outils (tournevis principalement), instructions (article, manuels d'instructions) et composants nécessaires.

(Re)lisez attentivement nos instructions et visionnez (plusieurs fois si nécessaire) nos vidéos. Ne vous énervez pas, ne soyez pas trop brusque, ne buvez pas et ne mangez pas au-dessus de l'ordinateur pendant le montage et n'oubliez pas de respirer. En cas de gros doute, n'hésitez pas à interroger vos proches ou alors les Clubicien(ne)s sur le forum !

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Sharjeel Sayed: Internet Security Blog

Sharjeel Sayed: Internet Security Blog

Beat Censorship using these proxies

Many schools, universities, offices, ISPs and countries like Saudi Arabia, China, Pakistan, Burma, Iran, North Korea, Vietnam ,Cuba, Syria, Tunisia ,Uzbekistan, Egypt, Belarus and Turkmenistan don't allow their surfers to access some web sites which them deem inappropriate.

Here is a list of 350+ proxy sites which let you surf any web site anonymously

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tableau de caractères Windows ASCII français - Mozilla Firefox

Tableau de caractères Windows ASCII français

Tableau de caractères Windows ASCII français
Code ASCII Windows Glyphe (codé en utf-8) Position dans Unicode Affichage avec un appel hexadécimal
ALT 1 U+263A
ALT 2 U+263B
ALT 3 U+2665
ALT 4 U+2666
ALT 5 U+2663
ALT 6 U+2660
ALT 7 U+2022
ALT 8 U+25D8
ALT 9 U+25CB
ALT 10 U+25D9
ALT 11 U+2642
ALT 12 U+2640
ALT 13 U+266A
ALT 14 U+266B
ALT 15 U+263C
ALT 16 U+25BA
ALT 17 U+25C4
ALT 18 U+2195
ALT 19 U+203C
ALT 20 U+00B6
ALT 21§ U+00A7 §
ALT 22 U+25AC
ALT 23 U+21A8
ALT 24 U+2191
ALT 25 U+2193
ALT 26 U+2192
ALT 27 U+2190
ALT 28 U+221F
ALT 29 U+2194
ALT 30 U+25B2
ALT 31 U+25BC
ALT 32
ALT 33! U+0021 !
ALT 34" U+0022 "
ALT 35# U+0023 #
ALT 36$ U+0024 $
ALT 37% U+0025 %
ALT 38& U+0026 &
ALT 39 ' U+0027 '
ALT 40( U+0028 (
ALT 41) U+0029 )
ALT 42; U+002A *
ALT 43+ U+002B +
ALT 44, U+002C ,
ALT 45- U+002D -
ALT 46. U+002E .
ALT 47 / U+002F /
ALT 480 U+0030 0
ALT 491 U+0031 1
ALT 502 U+0032 2
ALT 513 U+0033 3
ALT 524 U+0034 4
ALT 535 U+0035 5
ALT 546 U+0036 6
ALT 557 U+0037 7
ALT 568 U+0038 8
ALT 579 U+0039 9
ALT 58: U+003A :
ALT 59; U+003B ;
ALT 60< U+003C <
ALT 61= U+003D =
ALT 62> U+003E >
ALT 63? U+003F ?
ALT 64@ U+0040 @
ALT 65A U+0041 A
ALT 66B U+0042 B
ALT 67C U+0043 C
ALT 68D U+0044 D
ALT 69E U+0045 E
ALT 70F U+0046 F
ALT 71G U+0047 G
ALT 72H U+0048 H
ALT 73I U+0049 I
ALT 74J U+004A J
ALT 75K U+004B K
ALT 76L U+004C L
ALT 77M U+004D M
ALT 78N U+004E N
ALT 79O U+004F O
ALT 80P U+0050 P
ALT 81Q U+0051 Q
ALT 82R U+0052 R
ALT 83S U+0053 S
ALT 84T U+0054 T
ALT 85U U+0055 U
ALT 86V U+0056 V
ALT 87W U+0057 W
ALT 88X U+0058 X
ALT 89Y U+0059 Y
ALT 90Z U+005a Z
ALT 91[ U+005B [
ALT 92\ U+005C \
ALT 93] U+005D ]
ALT 94^ U+005E ^
ALT 95_ U+005F _
ALT 96` U+0060 `
ALT 97a U+0061 a
ALT 98b U+0062 b
ALT 99c U+0063 c
ALT 100d U+0064 d
ALT 101e U+0065 e
ALT 102f U+0066 f
ALT 103g U+0067 g
ALT 104h U+0068 h
ALT 105i U+0069 i
ALT 106j U+006A j
ALT 107k U+006B k
ALT 108l U+006C l
ALT 109m U+006D m
ALT 110n U+006E n
ALT 111o U+006F o
ALT 112p U+0070 p
ALT 113q U+0071 q
ALT 114r U+0072 r
ALT 115s U+0073 s
ALT 116t U+0074 t
ALT 117u U+0075 u
ALT 118v U+0076 v
ALT 119w U+0077 w
ALT 120x U+0078 x
ALT 121y U+0079 y
ALT 122z U+007A z
ALT 123{ U+007B {
ALT 124| U+007C |
ALT 125} U+007D }
ALT 126~ U+007E ~
ALT 127 U+2302
ALT 128Ç U+00C7 Ç
ALT 129ü U+00FC ü
ALT 130é U+00E9 é
ALT 131â U+00E2 â
ALT 132ä U+00E4 ä
ALT 133à U+00E0 à
ALT 134å U+00E5 å
ALT 135ç U+00E7 ç
ALT 136ê U+00EA ê
ALT 137ë U+00EB ë
ALT 138è U+00E8 è
ALT 139ï U+00EF ï
ALT 140î U+00EE î
ALT 141ì U+00EC ì
ALT 142Ä U+00C4 Ä
ALT 143Å U+00C5 Å
ALT 144É U+00C9 É
ALT 145æ U+00E6 æ
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ALT 154Ü U+00DC Ü
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ALT 160á U+00E1 á
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ALT 168¿ U+00BF ¿
ALT 169® U+00AE ®
ALT 170¬ U+00AC ¬
ALT 171½ U+00BD ½
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ALT 173¡ U+00A1 ¡
ALT 174« U+00AB «
ALT 175» U+00BB »
ALT 176 U+2591
ALT 177 U+2592
ALT 178 U+2593
ALT 179 U+2502
ALT 180 U+2524
ALT 181Á U+00C1 Á
ALT 182Â U+00C2 Â
ALT 183À U+00C0 À
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ALT 185 U+2563
ALT 186 U+2551
ALT 187 U+2557
ALT 188 U+255D
ALT 189¢ U+00A2 ¢
ALT 190¥ U+00A5 ¥
ALT 191 U+2510
ALT 192 U+2514
ALT 193 U+2534
ALT 194 U+252C
ALT 195 U+251C
ALT 196 U+2500
ALT 197 U+253C
ALT 198ã U+00E3 ã
ALT 199Ã U+00C3 Ã ;
ALT 200 U+255A
ALT 201 U+2554
ALT 202 U+2569
ALT 203 U+2566
ALT 204 U+2560
ALT 205 U+2550
ALT 206 U+256C
ALT 207¤ U+00A4 ¤
ALT 208ð U+00F0 ð
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ALT 217 U+2518
ALT 218 U+250C
ALT 219 U+2588
ALT 220 U+2584
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ALT 222Ì U+00CC Ì
ALT 223 U+2580
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ALT 250·U+00B7 ·
ALT 251¹ U+00B9 ¹
ALT 252³U+00B3 ³
ALT 253²U+00B2 ²
ALT 254U+25A0
ALT 255

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