Wednesday, May 11, 2005

bBlog Features
Free blogging under the GPL!
PHP and MySQL driven
Smarty (
That is, bBlog not only uses Smarty for templates and plugins, but as much as possible adheres to the design philosophy of the Smarty system
Smarty templates make it easy to change the look of your blog without modifying any PHP source code, and enforce a modular architecture that separates presentation and formatting from the application logic behind it
Template driven with easy to modify templates
Completely configurable appearance
Plugins to change the way text is formatted, and to provide many other features such as quote engines or photoblogging
Metaweblog compatible xml-rpc server, so you can use w.bloggar to blog remotely!
Included plugins:
Threaded comments
... more to come
OO style code, making bBlog fast, clean (easy to modify) and secure
Active and efficient development!
Nice looking :)

By Nilsen RHEVI at

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