ftp://ftp.tomsk.net/drivers/Linux/Norton System Works Professional 2004/
Les projets informatiques et des news qui m'interessent et qui risque d'interesser aussi mes amis et collegues, de Madagascar, de Majunga ou Mahajanga, et de toute la region de l'ile. Sans oublier mes copains à Lille, Valenciennes, Amiens et Paris, et partout d'autre dans le monde
ftp://ftp.tomsk.net/drivers/Linux/Norton System Works Professional 2004/
Publié par
Dr nils
4:46 PM
"parent directory" +(ebook|e_book|"e-book") -html -xhtml -htm -md5 -xxx
Publié par
Dr nils
1:46 AM
Publié par
Dr nils
9:11 AM
Regular Expressions Reference Sheet: "Regular Expressions Reference Sheet"
Un resumé des expressions regulieres
Publié par
Dr nils
12:25 PM
1 commentaires
I found several free sites that aid in sending or otherwise transfering files to others. YouSendIt - Up to 1GB
and more ...
nilsen RHEVI
Publié par
Dr nils
6:55 AM
Publié par
Dr nils
5:49 AM
Publié par
Dr nils
5:13 AM
Publié par
Dr nils
5:04 AM
Dags freewaretips Another freeware list
Publié par
Dr nils
7:34 AM
1 commentaires
J. King Web - free software for Windows: "Terms used in this document"
some best freeware u can use
Publié par
Dr nils
7:32 AM
Who have ever thought that valavelona is a biodiesel source one of petrodiesel alternatives to satisfy our planet's energy needS. Who knows how more decades of fossile petroleum are left untill it is exhausted. Human energy consummation is more and more demanding these last few years, if not speculating the reason of the raise in petroleum price. Does it become more and more rare? is demand above offer? The only mediatised explanation is the political unstability of middle east, or terrorism, or whatever. Forget them, let's produce our own power source. Think of every remote villager family has plenty of oil supply to satisfy their daily needs, light, cooking, heating...and latter on using machinnery to increase their self-sufficient production. This will brighten up our future. I know Jatropha can be planted in almost all regions of madagascar , so why don't we exploit it. Come on.... If only our leaders could think of what is good for the country, this has to be considered ... Some good examples from Zambia, India The Jatropha System - an integrated approach of rural development Pilot Plant for Biodiesel Jatropha Bio-Diesel :: www.jatrophaworld.com Facts Annaijatropha - Advantages | ||
| ||
Publié par
Dr nils
3:21 PM
related:http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/ - Google SearchVirtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics
Interactive, web-based resources for students and teachers of probability and
www.math.uah.edu/stat/ - 13k -
Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics
This resource for teaching statistics includes java simulations, case studies,
an online text, and an analysis lab.
www.ruf.rice.edu/~lane/rvls.html - 8k -
Introduction to Probability
An online textbook in PDF format, by Charles M. Grinstead and J. Laurie Snell.
The Statistics Homepage
This Electronic Statistical Textbook offers training in the understanding and
application of statistics.
www.statsoft.com/textbook/stathome.html - 3k -
The Data and Story Library
Online library of datafiles and stories that illustrate the use of basic statistics
methods. The goal is to provide data from a wide variety of topics so ...
lib.stat.cmu.edu/DASL/ - 7k -
HyperStat Online: An Introductory Statistics Textbook and Online ...
Introductory hypertext statistics book. Each chapter contains links to related
materials including educational demos and web-based statistical analysis ...
davidmlane.com/hyperstat/ - 24k -
Chance Welcome Page
This data base contains materials designed help teach a Chance course or a more
standard introductory probability or statistics course.
www.dartmouth.edu/~chance/ - 10k -
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics
Well-organized, comprehensive list of web Statistics resources.
www.stat.ufl.edu/vlib/statistics.html - 67k -
StatLib :: Data, Software and News from the Statistics Community
System for distributing statistical software, datasets, and information by
electronic mail, FTP and WWW.
lib.stat.cmu.edu/ - 70k -
VassarStats: Statistical Computation Web Site
Online software for calculating probability, linear correlation and regression,
chi-square, t-procedures and ANOVA from Vassar College.
faculty.vassar.edu/~lowry/VassarStats.html - 3k -
E-Robot2 Home Page - [ Translate this page ]
Home Page. In September 2002, thanks to Romeo ROV's control architecture design,
some operations at sea in the Kongsfjord in Norway were remotely controlled ...
www.e-robot.it/ - 4k -
STEPS Statistical Software
A program for teaching statistics through problem so students will recognize its
applications. Free CBL software with modules in pyschology, biology, ...
www.stats.gla.ac.uk/steps/ - 4k -
ISDS -- Statistical Sites
isds isds. Statistical Sites. People. Courses. Undergraduate & Graduate Programs.
Research. Statistical Computing @ ISDS. ...
www.stat.duke.edu/sites/java.html - 10k -
Welcome to Probability by Surprise !
Contains class notes and applets for teaching an introductory probability class
to engineers.
www-stat.stanford.edu/~susan/surprise/ - 4k -
Probability Web
A collection of pages maintained by Bob Dobrow to serve people with interests in
probability theory and its applications.
www.mathcs.carleton.edu/probweb/probweb.html - 1k -
Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages
Collection of over 300 links to web pages that perform statistical calculations.
members.aol.com/johnp71/javastat.html - 116k -
Online, introductory statistics course notes. Includes an extensive glossary,
interactive exercises, javascript probability tables and some java applet ...
Probability Tutorials
Tutorials in measure theory, lebesgue integration and probability, by Noel Vaillant.
www.probability.net/ - 24k -
Glossary of Statistical Terms. You can use the "find" (find in frame, find in
page) feature of your browser to search the glossary. ...
www.stat.berkeley.edu/~stark/SticiGui/Text/gloss.htm - 178k -
GASP homepage
The Globally Accessible Statistical Procedures initiative is designed to make
statistical routines easily available via the WWW. ...
www.stat.sc.edu/rsrch/gasp/ - 5k -
Interactive tutorials in statistics. Learning by non-linear paths. Self-assessment
tests. Interactive workbenches.
www.cne.gmu.edu/modules/dau/stat/ - 5k -
Scienze Ambientali - entry point - [ Translate this page ]
(Corso di Laurea in Scienze Ambientali) Sede di Ravenna.
www.ambra.unibo.it/ - 8k -
Ghhj - [ Translate this page ]
Lamberto Soliani. con la collaborazione di. Franco Sartore e Enzo Siri. Email:
lamberto.soliani@unipr.it. Tel.0521/905662 Fax 0521/905402 ...
www.dsa.unipr.it/soliani/soliani.html - 78k -
Statoo Consulting, Statistical Consulting + Data Analysis + Data ...
Directory of statistical links, organized by specialty.
www.statoo.info/en/resources/anthill/ - 12k -
NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods
www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/ - 1k -
Statistics on the Web
my.execpc.com/~helberg/statframes.html - 1k -
Calculus and Probability
Online course by Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble.
SMART - Explorapedia of Statistical and Mathematical Techniques ...
Training in specialist statistical and mathematical techniques for research and
technology, distance education, continuing professional development.
www.bioss.sari.ac.uk/smart/ - 6k -
Probability and Statistics
These demos require a Java-enabled browser:. Introduction to Probability Models ·
Hypergeometric Distribution · Poisson Distribution · Normal Distribution ...
www.math.csusb.edu/faculty/stanton/m262/probstat.html - 2k -
Publié par
Dr nils
3:10 AM
Publié par
Dr nils
11:12 AM
Thus, the Big List of Blog Search Engines
Following are all the blog search engines, directories, and web-based RSS aggregators I could find, along with brief instructions on getting your site listed. I'm sure I missed something so use the 'comments' for any updates.
New: Big List of International Blog Search Engines
In alphabetic order:
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
Publié par
Dr nils
3:37 PM
CMS matrix ahitanao anreo CMS amin'ny ankapobeny sady misy ny fampitahana azy ireo.
Raha te hahafantatra sy hampitaha CMS de ao no mijery izany fa tena hita mazava mihits. PHPNuke zao no mahazo tombony ami'zao
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
Publié par
Dr nils
3:33 PM
thiweb.com vous y trouver certains programmes, des sharewares, des freewares qui peuvent vous etre utiles
thiweb no ahitanao logiciels isankarazany zay mety hanampy anao
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
Publié par
Dr nils
3:21 PM
PHP PHP a gogo; ahitanao ireo scripts isankarazany, tsara ho an'izay vao hianatra php sy ho an'izay efa mahay ihany koa.
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
Publié par
Dr nils
1:26 PM
Publié par
Dr nils
5:28 PM
Publié par
Dr nils
11:58 AM
bBlog Features
Free blogging under the GPL!
PHP and MySQL driven
That is, bBlog not only uses Smarty for templates and plugins, but as much as possible adheres to the design philosophy of the Smarty system
Smarty templates make it easy to change the look of your blog without modifying any PHP source code, and enforce a modular architecture that separates presentation and formatting from the application logic behind it
Template driven with easy to modify templates
Completely configurable appearance
Plugins to change the way text is formatted, and to provide many other features such as quote engines or photoblogging
Metaweblog compatible xml-rpc server, so you can use w.bloggar to blog remotely!
Included plugins:
Threaded comments
... more to come
OO style code, making bBlog fast, clean (easy to modify) and secure
Active and efficient development!
Nice looking :)
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
Publié par
Dr nils
9:33 AM
Q-What's the criteria someone should go by to find out if they're addicted to the Internet?
A-Essentially, if you're spending a lot of time online and it's really interfering with your life. That's the quick thumbnail sketch. If its causing difficulty in your life, interfering with work, home or Relationships, than you may have a problem. Questions such as: Are you spending an excessive amount of time online? Are you preoccupied with the Internet? Are you keeping it a secret from people? Do other people think you might have a problem? Do you experience intense intimacy while online? Can you not wait to go online or to use the computer? These can all be signs of addiction. There's no way to officially diagnose a condition without seeing a professional.
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
Publié par
Dr nils
8:02 PM
A 2003 survey from Internet Filter Review reported that 47 percent of Christians admit pornography is a major problem in their homes.
An internet survey conducted by Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in 2002 found 30 percent of 6,000 pastors had viewed internet porn in the last 30 days.
A Christianity Today Leadership Survey in 2001 reported 37 percent of pastors have viewed internet porn.
Family Safe Media reports 53 percent of men belonging to the Christian organization Promise Keepers visit porn sites every week.
One in seven calls to Focus on the Family's Pastoral Care Hotline is related to internet pornography.
Today's Christian Woman in 2003 found that one in six women, including Christians, struggles with pornography addiction.
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
Publié par
Dr nils
8:00 PM